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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Successful Person Interview Report

Well in life we meet people everyday; some of them might influence our lives in different ways and some just pass through like shadows.
In this successful job interview report, I have an example of a self-made person. I met this person accidentally four years ago in JFK airport, and we become the best friend ever after.
I have done this Interview last year in on of my Urban Study classes, and I’m using the same person because it is an example of how a person should be, and how believing in yourself can be a real motive to success .
Nabil Zahmoul is from Tunis the Capital of Tunisia. He has been in the U.S for more than Twelve years. NABIL is 39 years old. He is a well known and an important person in The Middle East Currency Market, a part of Europe and Canada. He is a graduate student from IHES (Number 1 Business school in Tunisia) in Business Administration; major Marketing. He worked as a Marketing Director in his country before he moved to New York. He studied the computer science at Pace University. He got the series 3 exam (an exam administered by NFA (the National Futures Association)) which is a very important exam in the forex market. He is currently preparing for CFA designation (chartered financial analyst), and he is MBA student in NYU. Nabil or McNabil is now the Head of Business development at CMS. He speaks French, Arabic, Italian, and English languages. I had an interview with Mr. Nabil in his office at CMS (Capital Market Services) which is located at 64th floor the Empire State Building.
Mr. Zahmoul explained to me how had it was for him to start all over again; however, it not impossible. As he used to say,” when there is a will there is a way.” When first I met him he said, “It is never too late to start over, and if you can not do something, change you way how you looking at it.” and I never forgot his saying.
From a Director in marketing Mr. Zahmoul found himself as a busboy in downtown Manhattan, and after spending more than eight years as a yellow taxi driver, he found a job as a real state agent, and then a retails sales person in CMS before he became the Head of Business development.
Nabil thought me a lot of things about living in New York. He was the one who influenced my life in a good way. When I got the blues sometimes, he was the one supporting me to start over again.
Mr. Nabil explained to me the Forex Market when I decided to trade currencies. The Forex market is the most liquid market in world; more than 4 trillion dollars are traded daily.
Mr. Nabil made it clear for me that education is a key for success in this country, and it is not a piece of cake. It is very challenging to leave everything you had before and come to another country and started all over again. However, it is the right way. It is a long one, but definitely it leads a person to a good ending. In lease the person has other talents, so he or she can use them to improve his or her living.
I was really glad to have Nabil as a friend. He was really helpful, and he was the one who convinces me that success after straggles is very tasty, and believing in yourself is a key to success.

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