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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Career and colleges Choices

Well I have to admit that making a choice that suits my needs is one of the most challenging decisions I ever faced. Yet sooner rather than later, I have to make it. Between my heart and my head, I could not find anything in common. I believe that the ideal does not exist, so I have to create it myself. My ideal choice is the one that suits most of my priorities. I did the decision style window, and I found myself in the window 2, the sacrifice style (Dislike-Practical). It is unusual to have an option that satisfies you in every way. Since my choice might influence others’ lives, I decided to go by priority and do trade off.
I thought that Accounting major was the right choice that suits all my needs. However, when I had my mentor interview, I was shocked when my interviewee mentioned that Accounting diplomat or even CPA form the U.S.A has not credit back in my country. Since I’m planning to go back to my country, Morocco, this becomes a real problem. What should I do?
I had chose Accounting and Finance as majors and I chose Baruch College and New York University as my colleges choices. However, after I read the chapter six in our book “Turning Points” I found out that none of these choices is right for me for the following reasons.
First of all, Accounting major or career is fruitless. Since I’m planning to go back to my country, where only France and Canadian accounting standards are creditable, accounting diplomat form the U.S.A is going to be useless.
Second, Finance major is against my beliefs. When I read the chapter six from “Turning points” written by Ducat, her question, “Does your major fits your principles?” was a big hit for me. I do not know why I did not think about this point. Finance is based on interest, and my religion is against that.
I felt that my three years of research gathering information about these two majors was useless. Nevertheless, I’m really glad that I still have time to find something else that can suit my priorities.
For colleges, Baruch College was my first choice and New York University was my second one, yet when I talked to one of my classmates I found out that having a big name college in my resume can be a big plus. I chose Baruch because it is the best one among CUNY Colleges. However, after that chat I changed my mind.
I’m really glad that CEP121 was an opining eye for me. This class really helped me figure out that what I want is not necessary the right thing to do.
As a result, I started all over again, and I spent my last two weeks looking for new majors that I like and also can suit my needs. I took into my consideration International Business and Economics majors. After all, I feel that I get talents in Business, and I’m welling to improve them in a Business major and International Business and Economics are Business majors.
I still need to do more research about these to new majors, and I still looking for other opportunities and majors.
For colleges, I took in consideration my classmate point of view, especially when I got accepted by New York University, and I had an official letter from Columbia University inviting me for a special academic advising. Baruch College still in my list, but it is my third choice after NYU and Columbia University.
I still need to do a lot of research, and I still need to gather a lot of information, but I feel really comfortable about abandoning Accounting and Finance as majors. After all, I need to watch the ball, if I want to choose the right career because I do not want to waste my time or money redoing things again.

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