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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life skills

I was researching online for life skills, and I found these tips very important for a better life, so they might be helpful for someone:
1. Know Yourself2. Love Yourself3. Be True To Yourself.
4. Having A Personal Value System5. Perspective6. Have An Open Mind7. Sense Of Humor8. Resilience9. Acceptance.
I think they are really true. The basic skill that person should know in life is himself first. It is essential in life to know who you are. Because if you cannot understand who you are; you will never stand on your own feet.
Loving yourself, but do not be selfish, because if the person cannot love himself, he will not love anyone else, or life in general.
Be true to yourself. People can foul others and get away with it, but fouling yourself is the hardest feeling that you cannot live with.
Having a personal value system. Value system is what make you different from others, and give you base to stand on.
Perspective. Having standards in life, where to draw line between right and wrong, gives your life a meaning. Give you the sensation of humanity.
Having open minds. Since globalism takes over and made the world as a small town, understanding others cultures and backgrounds becomes a necessity, especially here in NYC.
Sense of humor, life is tensed enough, so having fun would not harm anyone; contrary, it will bring taste to it, and beat the life’s routine.
Resilience. Do not be just tough or fragile. Be wise, Seek to middle way. In live, you will need to deal both sides to handle your issues correctly.
Acceptance. Through life, do your best, but never expect that much in return. Appreciate what life gives to you, but do not set there and wait. Work hard first, and then wait for the results.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cover letter

Cover letter is a letter that you send to accompany your CV when you apply for job, whether advertised or when you are sending an unsolicited application. It should answer the question - Why should I hire you? It should grab the employer’s attention and point out why you, above all other applicants, should be contacted for a personal interview. There are two types of cover letter hard copy correspondence and e-mail.
Cover letter should:
1. Explain why you are sending a resume
2. Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization
3. Convince the reader to look at your resume
4. Call attention to elements of your background
5. Reflect your attitude
6. Provide or refer to any information specifically requested
7. Indicate what you will do to follow-up:
¨ In a letter of application — applying for an advertised opening — applicants often say something like "I look forward to hearing from you." However, if you have further contact info (e.g. phone number) and if the employer hasn't said "no phone calls," it's better to take the initiative to follow-up, saying something like, "I will contact you in the next two weeks to see if you require any additional information regarding my qualifications."
¨ In a letter of inquiry — asking about the possibility of an opening — don't assume the employer will contact you. You should say something like, "I will contact you in two weeks to learn more about upcoming employment opportunities with (name of organization)." Then mark your calendar to make the call.
Tips to Make Your Letter Professional
1. Research the company and the specifics about the position so you can tailor your letter to the needs of the organization.
2. Avoid using too many sentences that start with "I" or writing in the passive voice (ex. "This experience enabled me to..." or "Through my internship, I was responsible for..."); instead, make yourself the subject of each sentence and use active descriptions (ex., "In this internship, I demonstrated sound judgment and problem-solving skills on a daily basis.").
3. Do not use contractions (I'd, didn't, it's).
4. Spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes are out of the question! Cover letters are a reflection of your writing skills, so make each cover letter an example of your best work.
5. Be sure to sign your letters. (Black ink is suggested).
6. Keep your letter short and simple. This is not the time to tell your whole life's story.
7. Have a Career Specialist review your cover letters during drop-in hours: Monday-Friday 1:30 – 4:30 and Wednesday 8:30am – 11:30am OR you can make an appointment anytime. Use good quality paper that matches your resume paper

My personality

I took the Myers Briggs test, and my type was INTJ. Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Ulysses S. Grant, Stephen Hawking, John Maynard Keynes, Lisa Meitner, Hillary Clinton and Sir Isaac Newton are examples of Rational Masterminds. There are a lot of characteristics that INTJ have:
· All Rationales are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan a firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.
· They are highly capable leaders; Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once they take charge, however, they are thoroughgoing pragmatists. Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. Remember, their aim is always maximum efficiency.
· In their careers, Masterminds usually rise to positions of responsibility, for they work long and hard and are dedicated in their pursuit of goals, sparing neither their own time and effort nor that of their colleagues and employees. Problem-solving is highly stimulating to Masterminds, who love responding to tangled systems that require careful sorting out. Ordinarily, they verbalize the positive and avoid comments of a negative nature; they are more interested in moving an organization forward than dwelling on mistakes of the past.
· Masterminds tend to be much more definite and self-confident than other Rationales. Masterminds are highly theoretical, but they insist on looking at all available data before they embrace an idea, and they are suspicious of any statement that is based on shoddy research, or that is not checked against reality.
The only think that I do not believe can be suitable for me is Librarian, other than that I’m ok with other careers, Natural Science, Information System Specialist, Lawyer (corporative).


I read so many articles about resumes, and I found out why no one called me for an interview before. The cause was my resume itself. Therefore, I wrote few advices that might be helpful for some of you. Some people might know this already, but just to remind you and remind myself.
Professional resume is a model of who you are in words. It introduces you to a person, who is interest in something, and your resume makes you marketing yourself to satisfy that person’s need, and this that makes standards resumes history.
Today, your resume must be designed to fit what the employers are seeking. It does not matter to list all your experiences if they do not related to the potential job. Try to be specific because that what might give you a chance to an interview. Therefore, people who are looking for job must pay attention to what they are putting in their resumes in order to get it. And remember:
• Make your resume simple and clear.
• Ask yourself what makes my resume special then others.
• Make sure that your resume has something to do with the job that you applying to.
• Be creative in your resume, but do not lie.
• Be prepared to develop and explain each line in your resume the day of the interview.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The need to decide

When I read the first paragraph of the chapter one, I felt that the author Diane Ducat hits the right place in her Book "turning points". we might not be as specific as the author, but somehow each student have at least a question if not more about his/her career.
Diane Ducat divided the career problems into two major dilemmas, career dilemmas and education path dilemmas.
Career dilemmas which is the doubt about the person career, and how to match the students interests to specific occupations, and this true. sometimes, students do not know how to match what they have with what they want, and this is a major problem, but thanks to our author who helped us clarify this points.
Education path dilemmas, which is another story, so many times I see friends classmates switching from one major to another or saying," we are undecided,"" we do not feel this is the right major for us" and all kinds of questions like this. what to study is a big issue. can you imaging studying some thing that you do not like, or just because someone said, parents for instance.
This book is really helpful for those who are undecided or still having a few questions about their careers. also, it is not a heavy book to read contrarily it fun to read.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Choosing your career

Looking at the table of the best and worst job in 2010 and the categories based it on; I personally believe this survey is really helpful. As someone who does not want to waste her time switching from one career to another, I have been searching for a career that fits my interests for more than 3 years. I was looking for certain categories to find out the right job that satisfied my needs, socially, psychologically, financially, and physically.

I want a comfortable environment where I can work peacefully because I cannot be effective in a lousy place. Income is also a very important criterion; if I need to sacrifice my family’s time, I have to have something in return. Stress and Physical Demands, life is tensed enough; we deal with stress every day, and having a stressful career would not help at all in my case. Finally, the outlook, I classified myself as an ambitious person, so I definitely take in consideration the Employment Growth, Income Growth Potential, and the benefits that companies provide. Ending up in a small firm is not one of my goals at all.

Some people might find my measurements of seeking the right career bizarre, or useless, but I think it depends on the person personality and his or her priority in life. For me, when I was chasing my career, I looked behind the present for two reasons. First, choosing your career is designing your fundament step in your future. Second, I care about my family, so before I chose any career I must consider my family first. A career job is not just about me. The right career for me is the one that satisfied my interest and my family’s needs as well.